My name is Chanel. I’m a first year A Level student at Central Saint Michael’s studying French, Sociology and Law.
How did you get involved with this work experience programme?
The work experience team were having an insight day and my Law teacher posted it on our virtual college site and so I decided to sign up.
I signed up and they spoke about the work experience that they were offering at Allen & Overy, and of course I’ve heard of that firm because they’re quite international and they’re quite big in London, so I thought let me sign up for it. You know, the worst they can say is no! Then a few days ago I received an offer giving me a chance to work with this firm during the summer.
What did you put in your application?
I had to fill in details about why I would like the opportunity and then they called the college, asked for a reference and through that process I got the offer.
Why did you choose that programme?
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with such an international firm based in London, and they have given us an opportunity to go there in October if everything goes well. You know, pandemic or not, it’s a great chance to have an insight into what to do in the future and even test out my strengths and weaknesses.
Do you think this opportunity will help you in the future?
Yes definitely. I think it’s best to start making links and networks from early on. I’ll get to meet some highly skilled professionals, meet new friends and you know just sharpen my skills for the work place.
Would you recommend Central Saint Michael’s to other students?
Definitely. I think that it’s a great atmosphere and great environment. You know they push excellence and your teachers are there to help. The amount of emails that I sent back and forth during the holidays every single day and they were always willing to reply.