The Application Process

Come to one of our open events or contact us to arrange an interview. We are more than happy to talk to you before you apply about how to choose the right A Levels, or Diploma for what you want to achieve.

Fill in an application form online or from the back of our prospectus and send it back to us. This does not commit you to that combination of subjects.


All students must complete a written exercise as part of the interview process and parents will also be invited. The interview will take students through the A Level course with particular stress on the entry requirements, the work required and the academic commitment expected. You will either be made a conditional offer (based on achieving appropriate GCSE grades) or you will be offered alternative options.

In late June or early July an introductory day is held for students who have applied. This is to allow students to start to get a feel for the sixth form, to meet their tutor and their lecturers and start to make friends. All students will meet their lecturers and be set work to complete over the summer to bring with them for the start of the academic year.

The start of the course will feature an induction. This will introduce the students to the college and carry out various administration tasks. We will set minimum target grades and aspirational target grades, identify learning styles and flag up any additional learning needs. Students will also meet their lecturers again and their subjects will be confirmed and timetables issued.

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