It’s been a whirlwind year so far for Central Saint Michael’s Sixth Form, so let’s catch up on the main highlights of 2024:
- We celebrated 10 years of success in our unique campus. Our alumni are now working for the NHS, BBC and UK Government, or building professional careers with global companies including KPMG, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, British Aerospace and HSBC.
- We formally opened our Sandwell Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Centre, funded by the Government Towns Fund – improving the advanced facilities in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in the heart of West Bromwich.
- Our Drama, Theatre & Media student Mya made her screen debut in Sainsbury’s new Christmas TV campaign with the BFG!
- Star performers at Central Saint Michael’s Sixth Form once again achieved an exceptional 100% pass rate in 28 subjects.
- French students embarked on an exciting study visit to Paris, getting prepped for success in their forthcoming exams.
- We’re proud to finish the year with our official Membership to The Chartered Institution for Further Education (CIFE). We were granted this prestigious Chartered Status at the historic Apothecaries’ Hall in the City of London, recognising us as a leading provider of education and skills training.
And we also welcomed our new group CEO and Principal Lisa Capper MBE, and Deputy Principal for Curriculum and Skills, Asa Gordon, marking a new transformational phase for our future development!
You could be joining us for the best part yet. See you at one of our first open days of 2025!