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National Diploma in Business with Law

Do you dream of becoming your own boss, being a successful manager or a legal professional such as a lawyer or barrister? If you do, then this course is for you! Combining Business and Law gives you a competitive edge and wider choice of business and legal careers. This Level 3 National Diploma in Business with Law is a practical, work-related course with minimal external assessment. You can choose an A Level to study alongside this Diploma such as SociologyPsychology or Politics. Together they will equip you to be a suitable candidate for higher education or employment in Business, Law or Politics.

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Students would need five GCSEs at grade 5 or above.


The aim of this course is to explore the ingredients for business success, and to give you a greater understanding of the UK Court System plus in-depth knowledge of civil and criminal law. You will develop both employability and entrepreneurial skills that will prepare you to succeed in your desired career. You will gain experience of a real/virtual court environment, research business scenarios and have opportunities to talk with guest speakers from the Legal or Business professions, giving you tangible insight into current case law and the business world.

You will study:


  • Exploring a Business
  • Developing a Marketing Campaign
  • Personal and Business Finance
  • The English Legal System


  • Managing an Event
  • International Business
  • Principles of Management
  • Employment Law


All the diploma units are assessed through assignments that are set and marked by your tutors. This includes a variety of assessment methods such as projects, case studies, presentations and teamwork. Your A Level will be assessed by examination.


Successful completion of the course will enable you to apply for a wide choice of university courses in Business or Law. It will also give you prospects to apply for a variety of job roles or apprenticeships in law, management, finance, marketing, retail, the public sector, government departments or to start your own business.



  • BA (Hons) Business & Management
  • Masters Degree in Education and Professional Development
  • Former Business Manager and Training Consultancy Entrepreneur
  • Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills Status (QTLS)
  • Over 20 years lecturing Business Studies
  • Lead moderator for vocational qualifications
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Course duration : 2 Years Course Type : Diploma